Unlock GM RADIO Vin Clear
This OBD Genie programmer removes the “theft lock” message from a General Motors radio. At the factory, General Motors radios are paired by VIN number to the vehicle they’re sold with. If one of these radios is installed into a vehicle it was not sold with, it does not recognize the VIN number and displays the “theft lock” message. If a vehicle owner wants to replace their General Motors radio, they will encounter this message. Our OBD Genie programmer clears the VIN number from the radio, so it can be installed in a new vehicle.
This OBD Genie programmer only removes the “theft lock” message from the radio. It does not communicate with any features such as audio, buttons, A/C, etc. If your radio or other features are not functioning properly, contact the company the radio was purchased from.
- Dedicated to Your Vehicle for Life! Once used, the OBD Genie programmer will become locked to that specific VIN. Even if you deactivate the features you installed, you can re-activate them anytime!
- Ensure Compatibility! View the compatibility list below and locate your vehicle type. Likewise, please include your vehicle's 17-digit VIN at checkout so we can ensure it is the perfect fit for you.
- Fully Engineered & Built in the USA!
2008-2021 GMC (HD thru '22)
2008-2021 Chevrolet (HD thru '22)
2015-2021 Cadillac
2015-2021 Buick
This Product will NOT work on the following vehicles:
- 2008-2014 Cadillac CTS/SRX/STS
- 2008-2014 Malibu
- 2008-2011 HHR
- 2008-2014 Corvette
- ANY Trax
- ANY Sonic
- ANY Pontiac
- ANY Saturn
- ANY GMC Envoy
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