Quick & Simple DIY Vehicle Programming

The OBDGenie programmer helps unlock exciting premium features, giving your vehicle added factory functionality with ease.

Popular Programming Solutions

Enjoy the benefits of becoming a Wholesaler

Looking to purchase more than one Genie?

Whether you are a dealer, broker, exporter, retailer, mechanic, etc.  The Genie can develop a new line of business for you, or support your existing line of business.

Do you have clients requesting upgrades that you have to send to a dealership, only to learn that the dealership can’t help them?  The Genie can support new and existing product lines, while keeping your clients under one roof...YOURS.

Other benefits:

- Lower pricing per Genie and specials.

- Free Shipping within the - Continental U.S.

- Extended Tech Support

- Enhanced Warranties

- Training for your employees who utilize the Genie.